Biochemistry, immunology and electrochemistry are corner disciplines in biomedical and physical science. And there are a lot of intersections between the three fields as for instance biochemical and immunological principles provide the basis for many electrochemical (bio-) sensors with outstanding sensitivity and selectivity for their analytes and the electrochemical theory of conductivity is behind cell membrane ion channel function. The overlap in mind, the Biochemistry – Electrochemistry Research Units was formed as a creative platform for research and education in contemporary biochemistry, immunology and electrochemistry with strong emphasis on joint ideas. Subjects of current projects are the structure and function of chitinases and bacterial outer membrane protein channels, mono- and polyclonal antibody design and production, electrochemical biosensor and immunosensor development, robotic trace electroanalysis of drugs, nutrients and environmental pollutants, probe development for electrochemical scanning tunnelling microscopy, and cell design for small volume voltammetry.
Research Overview
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wipa Suginta
- - Structure and Function of Bacterial Chitineses
- - Structure and Function of Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins (Porins)
- - Structue and Function of b-N- Acetylglucosaminidases
- - Human Acidic Chitineses and Human Chitin Binding Proteins as Disease Markers
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Albert Schulte
- - Micro-and Nanoeletrochemistry
- - Enzyme-Based Electrochemical Biosensors
- - Electrochemical Immunosensors
- - Robotic Electroanalysis of Drugs and Environmental Pollutants
- - Single-Cell Electrochemistry
- - Electrochemical Scaninng Prob Microcopy
Dr. Panida Khunkesla
- - Identification of Leukocytes Surface Molecules
- - Biochemical and Immunological Function of Leukocytes Surface Molecules
- - Polyclonal Antibody and Monoclonal Antibody Productions
- - Cell Analysis by Flow Cytometry