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INTARAKAMHANG S., LESON C., SCHUHMANN W., SCHULTE A. A novel automated electrochemical ascorbic acid assay in the 24-well microtiter plate format. Anal. Chim. Acta 687 (2011) 1-6.
in print
BORGMANN S., SCHULTE A., NEUGEBAUER S., SCHUHMANN W. Amperometric biosensors. Book chapter in: Advances in Electrochemical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 13 “Frontiers in Bioelectrochemistry” (Eds. Alkire, Kolb, Lipkowski, Ross); Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany. Accepted for publication, in print.
SCHULTE A., NEBEL M., SCHUHMANN W. Single live cell topography and activity imaging with the shearforce-based constant-distance scanning electrochemical microscope. Methods in Enzymology, Accepted for publication, in print.