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2011 | Biochemistry Electrochemistry Research Unit

Publications In 2011


SHKIL H., SCHULTE A., GUSCHIN D.A., SCHUHMANN W. Electron transfer between genetically modified Hansenula polymorpha yeast cells and electrode surfaces via Os-complex modified redox polymers. Chem. Phys. Chem. 12 (2011) 806–813.

SUGINTA W., MAHENDRAN K.R., CHUMJAN W., HAJJAR E., SCHULTE A., WINTERHALTER M., WEINGART H.. Molecular analysis of antimicrobial agent translocation through the membrane porin BpsOmp38 from an ultraresistant Burkholderia pseudomallei strain. BBA-Biomembr. 1808 (2011) 1552-1559.

SRIPIROM J., NOOR S., KÖHLER U., SCHULTE A. Easily made and handled carbon nanocones for scanning tunneling microscopy and electroanalysis. Carbon 49 (2011), 2402-2412.

INTARAKAMHANG S., LESON C., SCHUHMANN W., SCHULTE A. A novel automated electrochemical ascorbic acid assay in the 24-well microtiter plate format. Anal. Chim. Acta 687 (2011) 1-6.